We’re Not Stumped Limb Loss Podcast

Centering on the life stories of those with Limb Loss and the Limb Difference Communities

Named One Of “Six Amputee-Hosted Podcasts to Listen to” by Amplitude Magazine

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Your Host: Mike Bolland

Congenital amputee Mike Bolland interviews other amputees, family members of amputees plus people in the prosthetic / support fields. These interviews are both fun and educational and nothing will be held back – no questions are off limits!

As a child, Mike played the role of ‘Danny’ in “The Trail of Billy Jack”. As a young adult, he became the first one handed person to bowl on the Professional Bowlers Tour and become a member on the PBA. More recently, Mike survived cancer – an experience that caused Mike to reflect on his life. After his recovery, Mike decided to leave Corporate America and dedicate his time to supporting amputees. This podcast was born out of this desire to help, as has the nonprofit he founded, Joe and Marie Bolland’ Helping Hands.


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We're Not Stumped